Have you considered a monthly donation?

Monthly giving helps level out our income month-to-month and gives us a more realistic look at our budget. Monthly giving doesn’t necessarily mean more giving. Please consider simply dividing your one-time gift by 12 and making it monthly! Thank you so much for considering supporting our mission to see live saved in Pine Valley and beyond! God bless!

Things to know before you donate:

You can donate by cash, check, or online!

Cash or check donations can be dropped in the church offering box or mailed. Please make checks payable to Pine Baptist Church. Please address all mailed donations to:

Attn: Treasurer
PO Box 377
Halfway, OR 97834

All online donations will be subject to a (2.2%+$.30) processing fee. You can choose to cover this fee if you wish to see 100% of your donation reach PBC! Just check the box!

Every donation over $3 is tax deductible. You will receive a giving statement for your tax records.

Your billing information is fully secure. To learn more about payment security through Donorbox visit: https://donorbox.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020293212-How-does-Donorbox-keep-payment-data-secure-